Prime Minister Anastase Murekezi has said that fighting Gender Based Violence is an obligation to everyone in Rwanda.
He made the remarks today 16 October, 2015 in Muhanga District, while opening the 3 months long campaign to fight Gender Based Violence and child abuse in Rwanda.
“The Government of Rwanda has established policies, laws and institutions to prevent, investigate and punish cases of Gender Based Violence and Child abuse in the country” said Prime Minister.
The Premier added that Rwanda introduced Isange One stop Centers in 17 Districts, with the target to reach all 30 Districts in the 2015/16 Financial Year.
“I urge all Rwandans to be driven by our Rwandan values; and religious leaders to help the Government by teaching their Christians communities to respect human lives mostly lives of women, girls and children”. Anastase Murekezi said.
In Muhanga District, Anastase Murekezi visited and toured newly built Isange One Stop Centre in Kabgayi Hospital and observed supports that GBV victims get.
Prime Minister also inaugurated the newly introduced Mobile Isange One Stop Centre, by Rwanda National Police, to enable GBV victims from remote areas get quick support.
The Isange One Stop Center has made a transformative positive impact on the lives of its beneficiaries by facilitating access to timely and holistic services (medical, legal, judicial and psychosocial services) to GBV victims.